So it happened
again, and on September 11 no less.
A group of extremist Islamic terrorists, possibly Al Qaeda backed,
attack the American Embassy in Libya, killing our Ambassador, Chris Stevens and
three other diplomatic employees there.
The alleged cause of the rage of the attackers is a film produced by a
Sam Bacile (who’s identity is under scrutiny at the time of this writing),
allegedly an Israeli Jew who believes that Islam is a cancer that must be wiped
out. The attackers were enraged by
the content of the film, which denigrated the Prophet Muhammad and insulted
both the prophet and the religion of Islam. The attackers associated the film with America (it having
been produced in this country). So in
a summer where we’ve endured a series of mass shootings on our own soil, one by
an extremist right here at home, we find ourselves confronted again with the
reality of terrorism and its propensity to shatter the peace of our ordinary
days without a moment’s notice.
When I first
heard the news of the attack on the embassy and the death of Ambassador
Stevens, I mourned the senseless violence and the loss of the lives of these
American diplomats. I also worried
about my Muslim friends in this country, who I feared would once again become
the targets of the Islamophobia that has become endemic in our American
society. The media coverage of the
Libyan attack, with shots of burning cars and buildings with obscene graffiti
and the American flag being torn to shreds and burned by angry Libyan mobs,
does nothing to make life for American Muslims any safer. Politicians and religious leaders
immediately condemned the attacks, including many Muslim leaders in this
country, but I know that the subliminal message taken away by many a TV news
viewer will cast all Muslims as suspicious, dangerous and undesirable. A hateful film ignites a violent
response and everyone loses. While
the filmmaker, under our American principles of free speech, is free to
exercise his creativity in whatever distorted and perverse way he sees fit,
such expressions of hate and disrespect only throw a match on the gas soaked
rags of international tensions and racial and religious prejudices. And now the violence is spreading throughout the Middle East as more protesters in more countries threaten American embassies and engage in violence. Once again, violence perpetuates itself and everyone loses.
How ironic that
religion, which actually is a source of wisdom and teaching about values such
as compassion, respect, peace and understanding between and among the peoples
of the earth, consistently becomes a flashpoint leading to acts of violence and
hatred which are completely at odds with the fundamental principles of all the
great religions of the world.
“Blessed are the peacemakers” from Christian tradition. “Those who control their rage and
pardon other people – Allah loves the good doers.” (Qur’an – Surat al Imran
134) - Islam. “Thus says the Lord of Hosts: render true
judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another.” (Zechariah 7:9)
People like this mysterious Sam Bacile, who prefer to vilify those whose
religion is different from theirs, distort the very foundation of their own
religious tradition. There is no room,
even in a country that so reveres free speech, for the kind of hateful,
vitriolic and disrespectful attacks on another religious tradition as was
contained in the Bacile film. Just
because our Constitution gives you the right to be hateful does not mean
society should condone it. If ever
there was a time to redouble our efforts to encourage interfaith dialogue and
interfaith engagement, so that more people come to see the religious “other” as
a friend and neighbor, now is that time.
Forgiveness is a
virtue in all religious traditions and it is one that everyone on all sides of
this terrible incident must put into practice. The angry mobs in Libya and Yemen and other countries must forgive the filmmaker, and the
American public must forgive both the filmmaker and the killers of our
diplomats. There is simply no
other way to defuse this hostile situation and make room for peace and a
hopeful tomorrow. Individuals here
at home can pray for the dead and for their grieving families, while reaching
out to Muslim neighbors in friendship and support during this frightening
time. We can refuse to watch
anti-Muslim clips on YouTube, we can refuse to forward Islamphobic e-mails, we
can become a part of a discourse that leans towards respect for people of all
religious traditions and come together as an interfaith community to condemn
the hateful rhetoric that gave rise to the violence which we all agree is
reprehensible. We must be vigilant within our own borders to be sure that the violence being done to Americans abroad does not translate into violence against American Muslims here at home.
We must become
critical consumers of news and hold our media accountable for how they report
on incidents like this so that no one religious or ethnic group becomes the scapegoat for the rage
and fear gripping the general population.
We must look at ourselves as a culture and a major power in the global
community and accept responsibility for our actions in foreign countries that
exacerbate tensions instead of relieving them. As this incident shows, that job is not limited to the
diplomats. Anyone with access to a video camera and You Tube can undo years of
diplomatic work with one ill conceived, disrespectful or hateful posting in a social
media outlet or releasing a film that demonizes a religious tradition and its
people. Terrorism is global and so
is the “war on terrorism.” One
person at a time, one community at a time we can combat the threat of terrorism
by reaching out to our neighbors of different religious traditions so as to
break down stereotypes, debunk myths and prejudices and form a more close knit
interfaith community in towns, villages, cities and nations. There is no time like the present to
listen to the great peacemaker, Gandhi and to work to become the change we want to
see in the world.
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